Inside Painting San Francisco, CA

Inside Painting Danville, CA

Interior Painting Wall & Ceiling


Latest Indoor Painting Job, Pleasanton

Why ColorBlast for your next interior Home or Office Painting Project?

interior-painting-300x225Attention to the details! That’s what separates ColorBlast from other Bay Area painting companies. Do you really want the cobwebs painted over? Or paint over the top of the wallpaper? Do you have an older Bay Area Victorian, California cottage, craftsman or tutor style that has lots of interior details and trim work? If you do, you’ll probably want an interior painting pro team who can handle and respect the details. Even if you have a simple home design like an eichler or ranch style, you’ll want a good local painting company who understands and respects the legacy and style of these Bay Area homes. Colorblast is that painting company.

Here’s Our Interior Painting Services Process Designed For Bay Area Homes

LogoMove all furniture and securely cover with plastic, cover with drop clothes as necessary.

LogoMask and cover all flooring.

LogoRemove all switch plates and window coverings as necessary.

LogoDust and mild TSP wash where needed.

LogoSand and scrape peeling paint and open cracks up. Sand doors and trim.

LogoCaulk around windows, door casings, base boards and any others areas deemed necessary. Remove any unwanted nails, hangers, hooks and brackets and repair cracks and holes. Texture repairs to match existing texture.

LogoSpot prime all bare wood and repairs paying special attention to any water marks or stains. For premium service we full prime. See work order for specifics.

LogoWe spray (where permitted) and back roll everything to assure proper penetration and uniformity for our standard service. For our premium service we spray an additional coat, see work order for specifics. The trim always gets two coats. Trim is usually brush and rolled with the exception of doors which will have a spray finish rather than a brushed finish if we are able to spray them on the job site.

LogoTouch-up where necessary. unmask house and re-install lighting fixtures and all other items removed prior to painting. Replace switch plates, window coverings and replace furniture. Clean the entire surroundings and haul away all garbage.The foreman does a final walk through with the customer. Answer any questions and clearly mark touch up paint to be left on the job site.

After your satisfactory walk through, we collect final payment. Please make check payable to Color blast Painting. The foreman is authorized to receive payment.