by admin | Jan 22, 2019 | Exterior Painting H.O.A Commuinites, Interior Painters
Loss of paint due to poor adhesion. Where there is a primer and top coat, or multiple coats of paints, peeling may involve some or all coats. Possible Causes: Seepage of moisture through uncaulked joints, worn caulk or leaks in roof or walls. Excess moisture escaping...
by admin | Mar 4, 2018 | Exterior Painting H.O.A Commuinites
Home Owners Associations (H.O.A) Heads or Tails? Heads: H.O.A. ‘s and restrictive covenants protect property values by enforcing consistent home maintenance and minimizing architectural deviance. Tails: H.O.A ‘s Litter subdivisions with bureaucracy, imposing the...
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